Imagine this. You have successfully traversed half of the Carretera Austral by hitch hiking. One of the most remote highways in the world for travellers. Aside from one day where you spent more hours on the side of the road than in a vehicle, and another day where the freezing rain got the better of you after three hours and… View Post
Patagonia: The 4 Day Trek to Cerro Castillo
The four day trek to Cerro Castillo was one of my favourite hikes from my entire six weeks in Patagonia. The views were so enormous that I felt so small amongst it all. The trails were well marked but not too well trodden. And there were only a few people on the trail and at the camps with you. You… View Post
Adventure in Futaleufu, Puyuhuapi and Coyhaique
Now that I’m back in Australia for a little while I will be able to update you all a bit more regularly about my incredible adventures. While I was still in South America I had already kick started my posts about Patagonia. I figured that would be a great place to continue from. If you want to read from the… View Post
Pumalin Park: Camping and Hiking
Pumalin Park was one of my first stops on the Carretera Austral. Stepping off the ferry you feel like you have just walked onto the set of Jurassic Park. Giant fjords jut out from the mainland into the ocean. Enormous temperate rainforest plants stretch for as far as the eye can see. There is nothing but pure nature. No shops,… View Post
The Best Hikes in Bariloche
Bariloche captured my heart. It was my first stop on my Patagonian adventure. I had only planned to be in Bariloche for around three nights initially and ended up in Bariloche for a total of eight nights! The town itself has such a relaxing and cool vibe. The surrounding hiking options also contain some of the most incredible views you… View Post