The crazy thing about mental health is that it does not discriminate. It does not matter how much money you have, where you live, whether you travel full time or if you work three jobs to make a living. Mental health issues can affect anyone and everyone. Some people can live most of their life quite happy and without any… View Post
The Right Place and the Right Time: Refugio Frey
Have you ever felt like you were in the exact right place at the exact right time? Sometimes you don’t realise that a revelation is coming until it hits you. Up until I completed the hike up to Refugio Frey I had been traveling solo, but was never really solo. I was aware of the fact that I had flown… View Post
15 Goals to Smash in 2018
For the last few months I have been mentally stepping out my goals for 2018. I have never really been one for new year’s resolutions, but this year I have pencilled in quite a large stack of goals that I want to smash in 2018. The year that was 2017 was full of so many different events, experiences, challenges and… View Post
Explore What it Means to be Alive
What does it mean to be alive? As I sit here writing this before I head off to my last day of work in my office job I have a variety of mixed emotions. I have always felt like I was looking for more out of life. Growing up I always thought climbing the corporate ladder and building my career… View Post
Finding Purpose
Lacking Direction Have you ever felt like you were lacking direction and needed some purpose? It is only human to want to find purpose in life. To feel like you are here for a reason. At the end of the day, don’t we all want to accomplish something larger than life; larger than ourselves. I’ve always felt like something was… View Post