I’ve never regretted saying yes to an adventure. I’ve never felt regret for getting up for a sunrise hike when it was warmer to stay in bed, or for following that gut feeling to forge my own path in pursuit of my own version of happiness, even when the road was more unknown and uncertain than the one I was… View Post
Live with Purpose: The Guide to Living Your Own Life
If a line of strangers jumped off the ledge of a tall building, would you jump too, no questions asked? No, of course you wouldn’t. You would want to know why they are doing it. You would probably ask them a few questions first. And you would want to know what your motivations and reasons for doing it were before… View Post
Reflections on the Start of 2019: Self-discovery, Challenges and Adventure
I knew that the first three months of this year were jam-packed, but what I didn’t realise before writing out my reflections was just how personal it was going to get, and just how much I had grown in the space of three months. The personal struggles I overcame, the moments of pure joy and ecstasy I experienced, and the… View Post
Your Happiness is Your Own Responsibility: Learn How to Obtain It
Your happiness is your own responsibility. Don’t rely on anyone else to achieve it. [bctt tweet=”You are the only person who can make the necessary changes in your life to live a happy and fulfilling existence.” username=”@gseekingpurpose”] This is perhaps the most important realisation that you need to make in order to achieve happiness in life and in yourself. If you… View Post
Long Term Solo Travel: The Hard Truths
Long term solo travel isn’t always as glamorous as it seems. While there are ample days in travel that are life changing, thrilling and extremely beneficial, there are just as many days that are devastatingly difficult and tiring. Sometimes you get so frustrated and lost that you burst into tears while standing at a bus station or at the front desk… View Post