Have you ever felt like you were in the exact right place at the exact right time? Sometimes you don’t realise that a revelation is coming until it hits you. Up until I completed the hike up to Refugio Frey I had been traveling solo, but was never really solo. I was aware of the fact that I had flown to another continent on my own, but only on a very factual level. I hadn’t really felt it fully that I was on this enormous solo adventure, on my own two feet, with my life on my back. Something changed during this hike for me and I just had to share it. Everyone needs to feel like this at least once in their life.
The night before
Confidence Boost
Following an afternoon of exploring Bariloche I arrived back at the hostel I was staying at, La Casona. I reconvened with a German girl I had met a few days before. She had made so many friends that evening and introduced me to her new American friend. What an interesting person he was. A park ranger from Northern California with a very positive outlook on life.
The American seemed shocked and excited at the same time about my plans to do a 22km, 8 hour hike on my own. I told him my plans to go up and over the pass, along the ridge and then down towards Refugio Frey. I also told him my concerns that I may be the only one going that way because it wasn’t the normal route. We ran through a check of all my gear and supplies and he reassured me that I knew what I was doing. If only I felt like I knew what I was doing right in that moment too!
Second Thoughts
While laying in bed that night a million and one thoughts ran through my head. Self doubt swamped me and I wondered whether I could in fact do such a hike on my own. From what I had read it did not sound that challenging. At the same time, I had never done a hike of this length on my own. Taking the less hiked route also meant that there was going to be bouldering over giant rocks with huge heights and a lot of time in lesser hiked areas. Could I really do this on my own?
Here we go!
Setting Off
Arriving at the base of the mountain and setting off on my hike I felt excited and nervous. The same feelings I had as I left New Zealand on my way to South America were encompassing me again in a whole new way. Climbing up the extremely steep pass of loose dirt to the ridge of the mountain I was struggling. I found myself wondering why I had set off on this hike on my own.
A Rewarding Experience
As I reached the top and took in the enormous view of the ever expanding mountains I was completely overwhelmed with emotion. I felt as though I was going to burst into tears, and then I actually started to. I was less than 30 minutes into the hike and my mind was completely blown. This wasn’t just because of the view or the physical exertion. It was the fact that I was standing on the top of a mountain in Bariloche, Argentina, completely on my own. The realisation at that moment that my own feet had taken me to this amazing place was incredible. It was the feeling of knowing that my own confidence in myself and bravery to overcome all of my fears had allowed me to be here in this moment at this exact time.

The view that changed it all…
For the first time in my entire life I felt as though I was in the right place at the right time. I was meant to be here and I was meant to be doing this. It was as though all of the pain, heart ache and challenges of my life were all necessary to lead me to this exact moment. It was suddenly all worth it and I had to take the time to really experience these feelings. I stood there and felt the breeze on my face, drew in a deep breath of the fresh mountain air and soaked up the glorious sun. This was my life and I was living it the way I wanted to.

Goodbye for a little while Bariloche!
Just let the emotions take you
After allowing myself the time to take it all in I continued on my way. This euphoric feeling continued with me as my own two feet carried me a further 21 km. Traversing along boulders, down valleys, up hills, along lakes and back down the mountain. Every few steps I found myself wearing that infectious smile again. I was constantly realising just how lucky I was to be here and to be experiencing this life that really didn’t feel like my own. What an amazing feeling.

I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face if I tried.
Arriving back at the hostel that night I felt absolutely humbled and completely shattered all at the same time. I was ready to collapse but also hadn’t lost that massive grin. Moments after walking in I was met again by my German and American friends. They invited me down to the lakeside for a swim and some beers. I quickly changed into my swimmers and headed down, despite my thoughts only moments ago of crashing into bed. My day had been the most spectacular solo adventure full of reflection, revelations and wonder. Within minutes I had found myself a new group of friends to enjoy this ride with. It was starting to get crazy how easily it all just falls into place when you let it.
--Girl Seeking Purpose