January, February and March of 2019 were such a whirlwind of destinations, climates, emotions, activities and friendships. I visited four countries, three of which were new destinations for me, made an endless number of new friends, battled with my mental health struggles again, had several new family and personal struggles emerge, and had some of the most rewarding experiences of… View Post
Solo Hiking: 25 Incredible Benefits of Hiking Alone
Solo hiking is one of the most life changing experiences you will ever have. There are an endless number of benefits to hiking alone. As a solo hiker you have complete freedom to hike whenever, wherever and with whomever you want. You have the opportunity to absorb the moment you are in and to process your own thoughts and emotions… View Post
Hiking Solo: Three Steps to Confidently Hike Solo
Hiking solo is one of the most rewarding and empowering experiences you may ever have in your entire life. You can prove to yourself that you are capable, resilient and independent. It gives you the opportunity to make incredible and life changing trail friendships. And you can also bask in those magical solo hiking moments of deep reflection and gratitude. If you… View Post
Long Term Solo Travel: The Hard Truths
Long term solo travel isn’t always as glamorous as it seems. While there are ample days in travel that are life changing, thrilling and extremely beneficial, there are just as many days that are devastatingly difficult and tiring. Sometimes you get so frustrated and lost that you burst into tears while standing at a bus station or at the front desk… View Post
My First Travel Anniversary: One Year of Travel
A very important date has just ticked by for me; my first long term travel anniversary. Last month, on 20 January 2019, I realised that it had been exactly one year since my epic journey of adventure, self discovery, and solo travel began. It was quite a surreal feeling to think about everything that I have accomplished and been through… View Post