I’ve never regretted saying yes to an adventure.
I’ve never felt regret for getting up for a sunrise hike when it was warmer to stay in bed, or for following that gut feeling to forge my own path in pursuit of my own version of happiness, even when the road was more unknown and uncertain than the one I was already on.
What I have regretted though, is saying no to invitations because I felt like I didn’t have the energy to be social. I’ve had deep regret whenever I’ve cancelled hiking plans because I just couldn’t be bothered getting up and going. And I have always wished I walked away sooner from the things in my life that didn’t bring me joy and a sense of purpose in this life.
Climb That Mountain
Anytime I have climbed a mountain in the cold darkness of the pre-dawn morning in order to see a sunrise, I have felt accomplished and full of positivity and endorphins, regardless of the outcome. Even on the occasions when the clouds were too thick to even see the sunrise, I still knew I had made the right decision.
On the flip side, I’ve never been satisfied with deciding not to go. I’ve never felt good about missing the chance to climb that mountain and catch that sunrise. Every time I’ve stayed in bed and missed the opportunity, I’ve felt nothing but regret and resentment with myself.
What this tells me is that no matter the outcome, it is almost always better to say yes. To be motivated. And to throw caution to the wind and go for it. It is always worth the effort to try. Because wouldn’t you rather know that you tried, even if you fail, then never having tried at all? Wouldn’t you rather know you pushed past your fears and gave it a shot?
Do you really want to rob yourself of that opportunity to see that life chaining sunrise, have that heart warming moment with friends, or find the career that sets your soul on fire?
Catching that Sunrise
These photos were taken only a few days ago on a hike, just after I got up in the freezing cold before the sun came out to hike up to the ridge and capture the sunrise.
On that morning, my body told me it was too cold to get out of my sleeping bag, and my mind told me it didn’t want to. But I knew I would regret it if I didn’t. I knew that I would be disappointed in myself for missing out. I knew that even if I didn’t get to see the sunrise, I at least wanted to give myself the best opportunity to see it.
As I put on all of my warm layers, packed my bag, and began the hike up to the views, the skies began to lighten. I waited in eager anticipation as the sun slowly crept over the crest of the hill and lit up the sky in gorgeous pink and purple hues. The river below me glistened and the peaks of the mountains above me shone in the clouds. It was perfect.
But in that moment I wasn’t just in awe of the sunrise. I was in awe of myself and my will power. I was proud of myself for saying yes. Proud of myself for ignoring that voice in the back of my head that was telling me to stay in bed, that it wasn’t going to be worth it, and that it was too cold and I should just go next time. I was happy that I made the decision to get out of my sleeping bag that morning and persevere past the cold.
After I looked out over the valley in that first morning light, and breathed in the crisp morning air, I took a moment to reflect and write down my thoughts. I had the whole mountain to myself.
Capturing that Moment
And then I took the time to take these photos. I strapped my camera to an old fence post and laughed at myself while I took a series of photos with the self-timer function. In that moment, nothing else mattered. I was physically and mentally in the moment and having fun. Capturing genuinely candid moments of happiness and laughter.
I was enjoying every second and loving life and my decision to get out of that sleeping bag and give it a try. Whenever I feel like saying no, cancelling plans, or not giving something a go I think about these moments, and how I have never regretted any of them.
So if that voice in the back of your head is trying to convince you to pass on things out of fear, to say no because it is the easier option, or to wait until the timing is better — don’t listen to it. Don’t let it win. Take that chance, push past the discomfort, and conquer those mountains.
Live a life of purpose, and not one of regret. Say no to fear, and yes to adventure.
–Girl Seeking Purpose