Lacking Direction
Have you ever felt like you were lacking direction and needed some purpose? It is only human to want to find purpose in life. To feel like you are here for a reason. At the end of the day, don’t we all want to accomplish something larger than life; larger than ourselves.
I’ve always felt like something was missing. It didn’t seem to matter how much I accomplished or mastered. It was like there was always going to be a piece of me lost at sea, waiting to be found. I know I’m not the only one who has ever felt like this.
Jack of All Trades
I have always been one to chase that next adventure. I am forever adding skills and experiences to my resume of life. This often means I leave old passions and ways of life behind in the dust to make room for where my new direction is taking me. I have spent years thinking this way of life was a bad thing. I used to believe that being a “jack of all trades” was detrimental. It wasn’t until later in life, I realised what the phrase really meant for me.
I now know that I need to embrace it and wear it with pride. Being a jack of all trades just means you have a lust for life and for new challenges. That your mind is always hungry to learn more. That can never be a bad thing, as long as you pursue everything you want to accomplish with passion and determination.
Live the Life You Want
I am learning that it is ok to be the person who is always looking for more. Is there really anything wrong with wanting to learn, experience and live more? For some people, settling down in one place, establishing roots, starting a family and establishing a long-term career in one place makes them feel whole. I don’t think I will ever be that person. And that’s ok. There may never be just one thing that will provide you with all of the happiness you need to survive – and that’s ok too! You just need to try to live a fulfilling life and chase the aspects of life that give your purpose.
Seek Your Purpose
For some of us, we will be forever seeking our purpose, and experiences that make us happy. The sooner people realise that there isn’t one way to live life and that there isn’t a handbook on what we should and shouldn’t do, the sooner people will find their purpose and truly find happiness.
That’s one of the main reasons I started this blog. I knew I couldn’t be the only person on this planet who was feeling a little lost and lacking direction. I wanted to share my journey towards finding happiness. I’m hoping that through my trials and tribulations, you will learn a thing or two about yourself, what you’re capable of and what this beautiful life has to offer. Join me on my journey to finding purpose, experiencing true happiness and exploring what it means to be alive. If you want to find out more then check out my About Me page.
--Girl Seeking Purpose